Friday 7 November 2014


It is the time to give again.

Voluptuous hampers,
surprise discounts and
'Sone pe Suhagas' flood the market.

Kajus and barfis,
packaged in stylish
designer wraps,
cascade out of store shelves.

Candies coated with new flavours,
in shapes never seen before,
are tucked into heavy baskets.

Even eateries offer
two-for-the-price-of -one
while 5-Stars bring in
the swinging mood
for the swaying  hips.

Outside the bar windows
hungry faces crawl the streets.
Shimmering silks in passion colours
sparkle in the burst of  flames
from the fireworks.

At home
golden thalis laden with
blessings from
the Goddess of Wealth
mark the day --
promising plentitude
to the good and virtuous.

This could be the Day!

The little girl on the pavement
with eyes like tuni bulbs,
stretches out her dented pan,
delirious with hope.

At the break of dawn,
when the card games are over
and flirtatious glances
are darting no more,
a tiny body
resting on a piece of rag
is marked with a frozen smile
tears that have dried up
on her dirty face.

A cold metal pan
lies next to her curled up body.

Her only gift for life.

Dola Dutta Roy, Calcutta, October 4, 2008

Sunday 2 November 2014



What would you do
when I’m gone --
When the body withers
And the soul departs
Taking me in its fold
To a place you've never known?

Will you think of me --
In a crowded room,
Or in the alley
That runs past my dwelling
Looking back
Just to get a glimpse of me
Even by mistake
As you did before?

Will the memories
Of happy moments linger
And make you weep?
Will you forgive 
The innumerable mistakes I made,
Sometimes to hate you
And hurt you
And make you break?

I wonder.

Perhaps you’ll move along,
Find a friend,
Not to share your pain
But to shy away from it
In goblets of spirit, and sometimes
In the magic of music
To mask any trace of loss,
And look brave and sane.

Perhaps thoughts of me
Will fade away with your dreams
And in the touch of morning showers
You won’t call out my name.
No, not anymore.

But my soul will be free
To do as I please.
It’ll take the last flight
To a different plane
With the only treasure I have,
My thoughts of you
Where all hurts will ease
And all pains will freeze,
‘coz we were true soul mates
Only torn asunder.


July 12, 2014


What if one day
You forget who I am!

What if you never look my way
With love in your eyes,
And a song on your lips,
But with a crazy, blank stare?

What if the clock stops ticking
And time stands still?
Would you remember
The vows we had taken;
The promises that were made
Never to be broken?

What if the past fades away
When the dark night ends
And the present is a blur
When thoughts don’t mend?

What if you just walk out the door
And lose your way in a blind alley --
Never to return?
I shall cease to exist
'coz in your eyes live my pride,
My courage to be what I am
And it can all fade 
Just in the flash of an eye.

Ridden with guilt,
I'd ask dear God 
to give me another chance
To turn your face.

I'd bring back old memories 
And hold them still 
before your vacant eyes 
To wipe out your fears.

I'd turn on the lights of joy,
I'd drive out the spells of doom
And whisper in your ears,
‘Nothing is lost, nothing's gone
You're with me and mine alone.'


(Written for Alzheimer patients)

July 13,2014, Calcutta 


From his place –
He saw it all.

Tethered to a wheelchair,
Tied and secure,
He felt like a balloon
Buoyant in his very own
Flights of fancy.
Tired of inactivity,
His mind ticked away, and
As a daily chore,
Was diligent in futile investigation
Of life around him --
Unfolding itself in many hues,
Especially in Springtime.

Inert and immobile,
He longed for infinite freedom,
To savor and touch
The sumptuous splendors
Of Nature around him;

But with heroic stoicism
He feigned inertia.

The sudden buzz of the bee
Broke his dull reverie.

Creating invisible loops in the air,
With mirthless abandon,
Turning circle after circle,
In wild exploration
It made an abrupt and hasty exit.
Departing like a conqueror--
Leaving behind nothing
But the faint echo of a din
That’s deafening….

It made him gasp.
The thirst for lost youth
Ached inside him.

Moments later,
The flicker of a pair of gauzy,
Luminous, fragile wings
With colors woven into patterns
Through which the sun
Danced into the room --
Caught his eye.

There was no hum,
No quandary,
No tearing hurry
But a playful flurry,
In the guileless pursuit of pleasure.

Frail and fickle,
Capricious and curious,
The winged creature fluttered about,
Delirious and naïve,
Delighted -- just to be alive.

But in an instant
Those shimmering wings,
So crafted with love and care,
Fell to pieces --
Fractured by some spinning,
Voracious blades above.

The magnificent creature,
So gay and blithe,
Lay quivering and shuddering,
Like a human in seizure
Till it lay motionless --
Like a useless piece of disposable adornment.

He saw hope fading away,
Joy recoiling with pain and
Life ending unfulfilled --
Perhaps all in vain!

In a life that is ravenous --
Sparing none but the industrious,
Nobody weeps for the slothful, 
The ineffectual angels
That leave behind 
Not their footprints 
but just their souls.

With his heart's rapid beat
His eyes grew misty.
He inhaled the fragrant air --
And destiny shelved to a life in limbo.

Even though in Springtime.




The church clock chimes ten.
It’s a reminder of the undaunted
Passage of time and
Life caught in a web.

I hurry and scribble
A few words, lest I forget,
On the blank pages of my mind.
Of things that I cared for,
Of people I had failed.

Should I tear up the letters
Outliving their purpose,
Or save them to smell
In bitter moments of despair?

Should I wait for the morning to break,
or pray to the Rain Gods
To hold the showers in check,
So I could run across the street
To get a rose for my beloved,
Languishing in a surgical bed?

But, shush, how can I?
He's not mine,
No, not anymore.

Should I stay in
And plug in
for a fresh brew of coffee?
Or pass it, so I won’t wake
In the middle of the night
Fearing God’s rage for my sins
And lack of mercy?

But there’s no time to dither,
No time to falter;
In a moment darkness could fall --
And swallow up the morsels of joy
That still linger with hope
In the beat of my heart.

There’s no time
To dress the wounds,
to wonder and weigh,
No time to blame and curse,
But do what you may. 
The moment is now --
And I must run.
I should open the door
And step out in the rain
To love and forgive,
Before it’s too late
and I go insane.

Written on  July 13, 2014, Calcutta,


The girl stood still for a moment.
The street lights flickered in her eyes
Quivering in shame.
She felt the rain
Slide down her fragile frame
In rivulets —
Washing away the sins
Of a soulless moron.

She moves just a little
Like a shadow --
Muffling her fears
And strangling her dreams,
Resigned to calamitous interludes
With life like this 
on thorny paths--
Hovering between disgrace
and delusions.

But there’ll be no candles
Burning for her on street corners,
No slogans for her rights,  
No justice or hope, for sure,
To retrieve her maligned honor.

A child born out of lust
Can only languish in the dust,
And sink into the shrouds of oblivion
As she is no one but just
A nameless, faceless pavement dweller.

Calcutta, 16, 10,2014


How deep is Sorrow
When prayers remain unheard,
Life is lost in a flash,
Moments are gone
Never to return
And we carry the burden
Of guilt and grief
For eons -- on and on?

How deep is Sin?
What color is it?
Gray or black, or
A bit of both?
We may never know.
It just sucks us
Into an ocean of oblivion
Where we surrender our souls
Never to look back.

How deep is the pit that we dig?
The abysmal depth
Where we are thrown
To weep and beg
In fear for mercy?
A pit so deep --
Where Truth slinks away
Love withers,
And the soul decomposes
Preying on its own flesh.

Yet we know no better
And march along the path,
As if blindfolded,
That leads us to the
Unfamiliar, unforgiving
Bottomless pit.

(In appreciation of the Law of Karma)

Calcutta, July 14, 2014

She saw him from her window,
Every evening,
In the dying light of the fading sun,
Sitting in the park,
Under the shade
Of a giant sycamore tree.
Hugging the corner of a wooden bench,
Meant for lovers.

There was magic
In the profusion of color
On his patchwork robe --
That flashed like flames
Weaving dreams of tales
Long, long forgotten.

His faded hat,
His shaggy, unkempt hair,
Caught in the last rays of the sun,
Blew feverishly in the air
As he sat there --
Guileless and forlorn.
From their hollow pits
His eyes, glistening like glinting embers.
Were fixed on the kids,
Prancing around and shrieking
In a war-like frenzy.

He sat motionless --
Like a Buddha in meditation,
and in a deep reverie.

She came down quietly,
With hot soup in her hand.
He looked at the offer
With vacant eyes stunned; 
His lips slowly
Breaking into a lazy smile.

Eons later,
Those pit less eyes
Took out what he treasured,
From the holes of his blazing mantle
A Havana,
Illegal and banned.
His voice cracking,
He said woefully,
‘I have sinned and I seek penance.
This keeps me  from breaking.’

Without another word he left,
Leaving the cigar on the bench,
And his footprints
Stamping the blades of dead grass –
His frail and crooked body
Diminishing by distance,
Never to return.
Calcutta      21,10,2014

The Phantom City
The road before my house
Runs its serpentine course,
Like a river in motion.
Its capricious curves in the far distance
Reminds me
Of the midriff of a teenage girl,
Eager to explore life.
The denuded trees along the way,
Lean with time and shame,
Speak of the rage of savage battles
Fought between man
And nature.
In my wheel-chair,
I stare out of the window
Making friends with the sounds
That fill the evening air;
Of a mindless, noisy game
Between a sea of humanity
And an over-zealous traffic
Clamoring for a bit of space
On a little strip of
Decaying tar.
I take a deep breath
And smell the sloppy savouries served
To hungry, faceless commuters
At street corners,
Before they surrender to the mercies
Of fuming,
Whirling wheels
Carrying them to a hole
Called - home-
In some unknown, unseen
Gingerly, as dusk settles in,
And the evening
takes a deeper shade of purple,
Fickle street lights
Keep their promise to alert
men in uniform on a stroll,
And lovers,
In search of a few
Secret moments of truth.
Much later,
When the blinking lights
From neighboring homes phase out,
And all sounds have been muffled
By the droning of sleeping bodies,
I long for the wind
To take me to the end of the curve
To view the lights and take in the sounds
Of a world
Beyond this winding road.
Tell me
Is there no world
That has no aching fears
Of a scorching hue of red
That severs man from his soul!
A place where the air doesn't cringe
At lust preying on flesh
While parents sell emaciated bodies
Of their young
For a few pieces of silver.
Is'nt there a world
Not torn asunder in the name of God
By reckless greed,
Anger and fear?
A  city that
Doesn’t bleed or sneer;
A city that doesn’t hide behind
The indigo sky
And sheds no secret tears.
Dola Dutta-Roy


Sleepless Nights
These days I sleep less
and stay awake more often.
They say it is a sign of aging.
But when I lie in bed
I think of nothing.
Fleeting moments of life
in sepia tones
appear and disappear;
fading-- before they merge together.
I think of no one in particular.
Not even you.
There is a strange longing for smells from the past.
Smell of brown-paper
wrapping new school books;
of  parcels received from  distant aunts;
of uncharted roads traveled
together with a wild bunch of friends
looking for life.
Many of them I won’t see again.
Not even on Face Book.
Taste of items tried at street corners
from an endless race of vendors,
in my delirious youth
fill my mouth.
Lines from letters 
etched in ink
in the dark recesses of a mind
going half blank,
moisten my eyes.
My sleepless nights are not filled with fear.
Fear of death or the unknown.
I fear nothing, not even dying and
the pitless void the soul hovers in.
Nor do I pray.
As I have nothing to ask for.
It is just an endless search for a person
I thought I knew,
a person I wanted to be;
a person who had many dreams.
They say
life is just to be experienced
with the good and the bad;
and that
it is all about staying alive
every waking moment
because there may be no
That is why
I sleep little these days and
keep awake most  nights.
     ********           *********      *******
DDR, Calcutta,  18.12.03

Have you seen rings of smoke
dying languorously in the air
in a swirling maze
like the dance of death
melting into oblivion?
Is it another vision of 'life'?
Have you looked in the eyes
Of a man holding 
the remains of his infant
crushed to a pulp,
or those of a woman
bereft of her dignity
under the weight of
savage desires?
Yet they find no justice,
no sorrow 
for such unceremonious
dismissal of life!
Looking back
I see a different me
with eyes shining with hope
and the vanity of youth
to change the world
that could last forever!
Echoes of whispers
and slogans
rang in my ears.
The touch of warmth
from encircling arms
and the taste of freedom
sipped lazily
in euphoric frenzy
comforted me.
The feeling no longer lingers
and I recollect that
Eons back they were buried
amidst tremors and tears.
When I look in the mirror
I see nothing today!
Nothing of the flashing hopes
or undying vows.
All wiped out clean
Leaving a hollow shell,
a shadow that
I call ‘me’.
Just a survivor!
My hands are empty now,
my eyes, colourless.
I hear no laughter;
I see no smile--
only the call of temptation
lurking in corners
drowning the human soul
with vicious attempts !
And now
There’s nothing but waiting
for the real game of life
to end and
melt into oblivion
just like the dance of death
somewhere, someday, 
in midair.

Dola Dutta Roy, Calcutta, May 22, 2010

Did I ever tell you
that April is my favorite month
when the sky is clear
... and the air is hot
with flavors from days gone by?
When the touch of
ice runs through my fingers
with an ecstasy half forgotten
that lets them curl
like a leech in shame-
coated with a sprinkle of salt ?
Did I ever tell you
that sometimes
music from the neighbor’s FM
sings of the times we spent together
in the green woods
smelling primroses and
counting colors on the wings
of butterflies
in search of passion
among uncountable,
willing flowers
beating-- just to be touched?
But I know,
I never did tell you
that the first drop of rain in June
on my parched skin
still fills my eyes with tears
feeling those quivering moments
our lips met after an inane battle
when there was nothing left
to be said anymore...
but hear the beat of a longing
that throbbed
in the middle of my chest
running through the length of my arms
just wanting to hold your head
close to my heart ?
And today
when the mind
is growing rapidly senile
by the weight of loss and gain
in a world filled with noise and pain --
I stand alone,
brave and strong
with no shadow of yours
to envelop me.
Ever. Anymore.
I seek no words
to tell you today that
I have no regrets or fear,
no truths
left uncovered
as I know you can hear
all that is left unsung,
from wherever you are,

in your sleepless soul!

Dola Dutta Roy, Calcutta, July 6, 2009

I need a window
That helps me see
The world,
And the rhythm of life in motion
In the far distance,
Where I can never be.
All I see is the serpentine road
That blurs my vision
And beckons me to wander 'n fall
Like autumn leaves and snowflakes
So I forget my mission.
I ask for nothing but
The strength to hold on
To the dreams I had savored,
Woven with tears in threads of gold;
A secret I cherished, never to be told.
Dola DuttaRoy
Calcutta, India

Sept 17,2013